Music Education for Children in South London

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Hit the Ground Drumming recommends...
Brasil for Children - Grupo Triii - Book and album
Published by Peiropolis
A collection of truly inspiring Brazilian songs for children (with English translations). Full of beautiful melodies, clapping games and simple harmonies
Bright Sparks, Flying Sparks and other Sparks
Steve Grocott - CD/Booklets
Superb collections of songs for children of all ages, the scope goes deep as do the fish
Fantastic original songs written with families and young children
Partimpim Dois - Adriana Partimpim
A fabulous album using a mixture of authentic Brazilian rhythms and songs with playful electronic sounds, really good for kids (and grown-ups)
Palavras Cantadas (Pauleco e Sandreca) - Various albums
These are prolific musicians that have recorded many quirky and great albums for young children
Popular, discerning music collections from around the world
Check 'Brazilian Playground' and 'Brasileiro'
Brasileiro - Sergio Mendes
Grammy award winning album. This is a classic and has some wonderful examples of drum conversation
Os Afro Sambas - Baden Powell and Vinicius de Moraes
A mesmorising album of softly powerful songs, an early recording of the fusion between Afro-Euro Brazilian music.

Pomar by Pauleco e Sandreca - a sweet song about Brazilian fruits and their trees
Tambores by Grupo Triii - isn't it delightful how the drum dances
Bim Bom Bim - Adriana Partimpim and Olodum (Music only)
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